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Frequently Asked Questions - Support
  • General

    For sales FAQs please go to the "Information" tab and click on FAQs.

    What are the DNS servers at WeHostMacs.

    When pointing to our DNS servers please use the following:

    Note: It may take anywhere between 5 minutes and 48 hours
    for your domain to resolve to our servers.

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  • Colocation

    When should I call if I'm having a problem?

    If there is a network disturbance, then we already know about it and
    calling us will only divert resources from solving the problem.
    If the problem persists for more than 30 minutes and you have
    gone to the "Announcements / Status" page and it doesn't have
    any information about what is happening, then by all means
    please give us a call.

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  • Data Centers

    How many megawatts can I get?

    1 to 10 MW immediately.
    Larger requirements available upon request.

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  • Bandwidth - At DataCenter and Off Site

    Is a direct PoP from my cabinet to my place of business possible?

    Yes. We can provide PoP via 40 locations world wide and growing fast.

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  • Domain Registraion

    How do I receive my FREE domain name registration with WeHostMacs?

    Domain name registration is free for one year with a colocation signup.
    Limit one domain per signup; specialty domains not included. Same
    domain name renewal is also free with corresponding colocation
    annual renewal.

    How do I register my domain name with WeHostMacs?

    Click on this link to register your domain name.

    List of eligible domains follows:


    If the domain that you want is not listed, you will receive a $15 dollar
    discount toward registration of the domain of your choice (if we are
    able to register it).

    We will use your contact information on file for the registration, unless
    otherwise instructed.

    Once the domain name is registered, it usually goes live immediately,
    but sometimes can take up to 24 hours.

    How do I transfer my domain name to WeHostMacs?

    1) Make sure that the domain name is unlocked.

    2) Make sure that the admin contact email address is valid. You will
    be receiving an email to validate the transfer and approve it.

    3) Provide us with the domain name secret.

    4) If you are unsure of how to do any of the previous steps, we can do
    this for you if you provide us access to the current registrar's control panel
    (login information for your domain name will be needed).

    We will use your contact information on file for the registration, unless
    otherwise instructed.

    Once the request is made you will receive an email that will ask you to
    approve the transfer and once approved it can take up to 5 days for the
    transfer to be completed and the domain to update across the internet.

    Can I run my own DNS server?

    Yes, if you are running your own DNS server we will provide you with
    the assigned IP's.

    I'm registered elsewhere. What are the nameservers I should use?

    Please use the following nameservers:

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  • SEO Services

    How long does it take to get SEO reports after signup.

    Depending on the report, it takes different amounts of time.

    Each report is going to need some information from you to get started.

    Examples are:

    Who are you competitors?
    What are the keywords that you are interested in ranking well for?

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